Saturday, September 4, 2010

This story tells us what kind of choice to decide what kind of life

This story tells us what kind of choice to decide what kind of life. Today, life is our choice by the decision three years ago, but today's decision will determine our life after three years. We To select a contact with the latest information, see the latest trends, to better create their own future. story of six A on B said: "I want to leave the company. I hate this company!" B suggestion: "I applaud your revenge!! break the company will give it some color to see. but you now christian louboutin to leave, not the best time." A question: "Why?" B said: "If you go, the company's loss is not significant. you should take advantage of opportunities in the company, desperate to pull a number for their customers, as companies work independently of people, and then abruptly left the company with these customers, the company was will be significant loss, very passive. "A very reasonable that B said. So work hard, then things like, six months of hard work, he has many loyal customers. again met B on A that : "Now is the time, and to switch to action as soon Oh!" A take it lightly laughed: "CEOs had long talk with me, ready to rise to do my assistant general manager, I have no intention christian louboutin shoes of leaving."In fact, this is what B's mind.a person's work, always ready to resume only on their own. only to pay more than are, your boss than your ability to see the real location will give you more opportunity to create more profit for him.story there was a small country seven who come to China, tribute three identical gold miners, gold wall glory, to the emperor happy bad. But this small country people do not kind, while the one subject: the three Jin is the most valuable? emperor like a lot of ways, come check the jeweler, said the weight, look at work, were exactly the same. how do? messenger still waiting report back to it. great country, not even this minor did not know it? Finally, there is an abdication of the old christian louboutin sale minister said he had ways. Emperor will go to the main hall envoy, veteran confidently took the three straw, inserted a gold human ear, this ear out of straw from the other side, the second straw Jin falls out directly from the mouth, while the third gold miners, fell into the stomach after the straw into what ring did not. veteran said : The third most valuable Jin! messenger was silent, the right answer.

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